Motion Vectors (for animated textures), How do you generate them?

I’ve run into this. Your problem, coming out of houdini is that you have the velocity field as motion vectors. While cool, that’s not what you need for the main part of motion vector set up. It can be used for additional detail, but that’s less important.

What you need is the optical flow of your sequence. A 2d analysis of the difference between frames. That’s what will allow you to blend between them.

To generate that, you can either use the Twixtor pro plugin for After Effects, or the NukeX version of oflow. Or, you can wait for Slate, from facedownfx. I have only used the flipbook part of that software so I can’t speak for the motion vector quality.

If you want to read more about this, check the Realtime VFX Dictionary Project. There’s a discussion about this very thing in there, started by Klemen Lozar (who’s tutorial I’m guessing you are following).


This has actually been enlightening about houdinis velocity pass, ive been experimenting at work trying to see if i can comp a pass that works, but and while im very close i havent quiet been able to solve some of the jittering issue motion vectors can cause, you can definitely feel the blending smoothness tho.

Ill try to get a comp to present here, maybe we can collaborate to get something working, @eetu would love your input as well.


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I just tried the motion vector generator in Facedowns Slate and it works a charm. I don’t have a shader set up on this rig to test it right now, but it’s in the right range, colours pointing the right way and in the right position. Beaut of a program that is.

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is Slate out!? or is this internal testing :slight_smile: ?

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Ehm… I have friends…

I’m not affiliated with it, but I managed to get my paws on an early version. It’s not out yet but it’s Coming Soon. Facedown is going to make a lot of vfx artists very happy.


@mattorialist and Co. over at Naughty Dog came up with a really cool way to do it just based on density.

In that dictionary thread, the conversation they had about it talks a good bit about what they do.
I worked to convert that over for Klemen into a material function for UE4 that we used a bit, but not a lot, because you trade texture memory for instruction count. We opted for texture memory in practice.

Here is a custom node that does all of that, although it is super finicky (that magic number optical scale is something I never really got the hang of just knowing.) Also I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that ours isn’t as good as the Uncharted folks turned out, as i said we mostly ended up just letting Klemen create the velocity manually himself instead of relying on this realtime generated velocity, so we may have actually missed something important. :stuck_out_tongue:


//Realtime Optical Flow
//Based on Naughty Dog Siggraph 2015 Presentation:
//Chasing Film in 5ms
//Matthew Radford

//Requires 4 Inputs
//Tex - FlipbookTextureSample
//SubUVSampler - TextureSamplerSubUV
//o_FlowScale - Amount to scale vectors. "Magic" number.
//            - This number is the hardest part. It is the percentage of the texture that is the maximum delta between the previous frame and the next.
//            - Too little, and there will be a lot of stepping, too much and you get pulsing.
//Index - Channel to base the o_Flow on. 

//This is made for RGB packed flipbooks.
float g_sampleDistance = 0.01;       //      - width of sample.
float g_sampleOffset   = 0.001;      //      - ... not sure what this is for. Maybe to avoid a divide by zero?

Index = floor(Index) % 3;

float2 pFrameUV = Parameters.Particle.SubUVCoords[0].xy;
float2 cFrameUV = Parameters.Particle.SubUVCoords[1].xy;
float3 frameDiff = (Parameters.Particle.SubUVLerp).xxx;

// calculate gradient of time... if we know the flipbook scale this sample distance could be proportional.
float offset = g_sampleDistance;
float2 offsetX = float2(offset,0.0);
float2 offsetY = float2(0.0,offset);

float3 gradientX = Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, cFrameUV + offsetX, 4) -
                   Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, cFrameUV - offsetX, 4) +
                   Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, pFrameUV + offsetX, 4) - 
                   Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, pFrameUV - offsetX, 4);
float3 gradientY = Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, cFrameUV + offsetY, 4) -
                   Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, cFrameUV - offsetY, 4) +
                   Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, pFrameUV + offsetY, 4) -
                   Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, pFrameUV - offsetY, 4);  
float3 gradientMag = sqrt((gradientX*gradientX) +(gradientY*gradientY) ) + g_sampleOffset;

//convert gradient into motion vector
// flowscale needs to be hand tweaked to get the correct distortion
float3 velocityX_p = (frameDiff) * (gradientX / gradientMag) * o_FlowScale;
float3 velocityY_p = (frameDiff) * (gradientY / gradientMag) * o_FlowScale;
float3 velocityX_c = (1-frameDiff) * (gradientX / gradientMag) * o_FlowScale;
float3 velocityY_c = (1-frameDiff) * (gradientY / gradientMag) * o_FlowScale;

float2 pFrameUV_flow = pFrameUV + float2(velocityX_p[Index], velocityY_p[Index]);
float2 cFrameUV_flow = cFrameUV - float2(velocityX_c[Index], velocityY_c[Index]);
float3 color1 = Texture2DSample(Tex, TexSampler, pFrameUV_flow);
float3 color2 = Texture2DSample(Tex, TexSampler, cFrameUV_flow);
float3 color = lerp( color1, color2, frameDiff.x );
return color;

and the copy pasta’d node network. Sorry, you’ll have to get your own flipbook. :stuck_out_tongue:

Begin Object Class=MaterialGraphNode Name="MaterialGraphNode_297"
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390930"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390929"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390928"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390927"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390926"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=MaterialExpressionCustom Name="MaterialExpressionCustom_32"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390930"
      PinFriendlyName=" "
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390929"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390928"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390927"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390926"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="MaterialExpressionCustom_32"
      Code="    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\r\n    /////OPTICAL FLOW\r\n\r\n    //Realtime Optical Flow\r\n    //Based on Naughty Dog Siggraph 2015 Presentation:\r\n    //Chasing Film in 5ms\r\n    //Matthew Radford\r\n\r\n    //Requires 4 Inputs\r\n    //Tex - FlipbookTextureSample\r\n    //SubUVSampler - TextureSamplerSubUV\r\n    //o_FlowScale - Amount to scale vectors. \"Magic\" number.\r\n    //Index - Channel to base the o_Flow on.\r\n    \r\n    //This is made for RGB packed flipbooks.\r\n    float g_sampleDistance = 0.01;       //      - width of sample.\r\n    float g_sampleOffset   = 0.001;      //      - ... not sure what this is for. Maybe to avoid a divide by zero?\r\n    \r\n    //Index = floor(Index) % 3;\r\n    //float o_FlowScale      = 0.006;      //      - Amount to scale vectors. \"Magic\" number.\r\n    \r\n    \r\n    float2 pFrameUV = Parameters.Particle.SubUVCoords[0].xy;\r\n    float2 cFrameUV = Parameters.Particle.SubUVCoords[1].xy;\r\n    float3 frameDiff = (Parameters.Particle.SubUVLerp).xxx;\r\n\r\n    // calculate gradient of time... if we know the flipbook scale this sample distance could be proportional.\r\n    float offset = g_sampleDistance;\r\n    float2 offsetX = float2(offset,0.0);\r\n    float2 offsetY = float2(0.0,offset);\r\n\r\n    float3 gradientX = Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, cFrameUV + offsetX, 4) -\r\n                       Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, cFrameUV - offsetX, 4) +\r\n                       Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, pFrameUV + offsetX, 4) - \r\n                       Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, pFrameUV - offsetX, 4);\r\n                                                                                                                \r\n    float3 gradientY = Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, cFrameUV + offsetY, 4) -\r\n                       Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, cFrameUV - offsetY, 4) +\r\n                       Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, pFrameUV + offsetY, 4) -\r\n                       Texture2DSampleLevel(Tex, TexSampler, pFrameUV - offsetY, 4);  \r\n                       \r\n    float3 gradientMag = sqrt((gradientX*gradientX) +(gradientY*gradientY) ) + g_sampleOffset;\r\n\r\n    //convert gradient into motion vector\r\n    // flowscale needs to be hand tweaked to get the correct distortion\r\n    float3 velocityX_p = (frameDiff) * (gradientX / gradientMag) * o_FlowScale;\r\n    float3 velocityY_p = (frameDiff) * (gradientY / gradientMag) * o_FlowScale;\r\n    float3 velocityX_c = (1-frameDiff) * (gradientX / gradientMag) * o_FlowScale;\r\n    float3 velocityY_c = (1-frameDiff) * (gradientY / gradientMag) * o_FlowScale;\r\n    \r\n    \r\n    float2 pFrameUV_flow = pFrameUV + float2(velocityX_p[Index], velocityY_p[Index]);\r\n    float2 cFrameUV_flow = cFrameUV - float2(velocityX_c[Index], velocityY_c[Index]);\r\n    float3 color1 = Texture2DSample(Tex, TexSampler, pFrameUV_flow);\r\n    float3 color2 = Texture2DSample(Tex, TexSampler, cFrameUV_flow);\r\n    float3 color = lerp( color1, color2, frameDiff.x );\r\n    return color;\r\n    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
   End Object
End Object
Begin Object Class=MaterialGraphNode Name="MaterialGraphNode_298"
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390938"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390937"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390936"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390935"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390934"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390933"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390932"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390931"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=MaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameterSubUV Name="MaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameterSubUV_13"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390938"
      PinFriendlyName=" "
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390937"
      PinFriendlyName=" "
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390936"
      PinFriendlyName=" "
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390935"
      PinFriendlyName=" "
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390934"
      PinFriendlyName=" "
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390933"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390932"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390931"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="MaterialExpressionTextureSampleParameterSubUV_13"
   End Object
End Object
Begin Object Class=MaterialGraphNode Name="MaterialGraphNode_299"
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390939"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=MaterialExpressionScalarParameter Name="MaterialExpressionScalarParameter_24"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390939"
      PinFriendlyName=" "
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="MaterialExpressionScalarParameter_24"
   End Object
End Object
Begin Object Class=MaterialGraphNode Name="MaterialGraphNode_300"
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390940"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=MaterialExpressionScalarParameter Name="MaterialExpressionScalarParameter_25"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390940"
      PinFriendlyName=" "
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="MaterialExpressionScalarParameter_25"
   End Object
End Object
Begin Object Class=MaterialGraphNode Name="MaterialGraphNode_305"
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390953"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390952"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390951"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=MaterialExpressionCustom Name="MaterialExpressionCustom_33"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390953"
      PinFriendlyName=" "
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390952"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390951"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="MaterialExpressionCustom_33"
      Code="return RGB[index];"
   End Object
End Object
Begin Object Class=MaterialGraphNode Name="MaterialGraphNode_306"
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390954"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=MaterialExpressionTextureObjectParameter Name="MaterialExpressionTextureObjectParameter_4"
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390954"
      PinFriendlyName=" "
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="MaterialExpressionTextureObjectParameter_4"
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End Object
Begin Object Class=MaterialGraphNode Name="MaterialGraphNode_307"
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390956"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=EdGraphPin Name="EdGraphPin_390955"
   End Object
   Begin Object Class=MaterialExpressionComponentMask Name="MaterialExpressionComponentMask_18"
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   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390956"
      PinFriendlyName=" "
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="EdGraphPin_390955"
      PinFriendlyName=" "
   End Object
   Begin Object Name="MaterialExpressionComponentMask_18"
   End Object
End Object

This version requires that you use a particle subuv with the Interpolation Method set to LinearBlend.

It also relies on a hack that if there is a SubUV particle sampler somewhere in the network it exposes the frame information in Parameters.Particle.SubUVCoords for use elsewhere. Pretty hacky, but it works.

You could obviously convert this code to take in a time value and do the lookup yourself if you are so inclined. I wanted it to work with any particle system, although we never got around to doing the piping the right way, which would be to make this just another interpolation mode with the o_FlowScale being set on the particle system itself.

Word of advice: that flowscale value for us is incredibly hard to figure out, as it is functionally based on the maximum amount of change between this frame and the next… unfortunately it can cause all sorts of weird pulsing inside where the motionvectors aren’t accurate.


omg a credit. im honored!


Considering I took it whole cloth from your psuedo code talk, I felt it was only fair. Your name is in our game.

Well… considering comments get stripped from the compiled code, it isn’t really… but still.

Aw. too kind. Im really just a fraud.

the flowscale thing is pretty dicey. Since the intensity of the morphing is based around differences in luminance the effect can fall apart sometimes when there are dramatic changes in luminance over the course of a sequence. I usually found the part of the sequence I was most concerned about, would tweak it to that, then let the rest slip.

anyone who finds a way to keep the luminance consistent to achieve better morphing gets the 2.0 version of this.

here’s a video showing what it should do. I LOVE this shit… but i’m lazy and hate the idea of baking motion vectors for every flipbook. In practice though that’s probably what you should do. but… sooo lazy i am.

one thing we experimented with and never did anything final with was using it to blend 360 degree turntables of something. so render an object from N number of directions around an axis, and the morphing did a decent enough job. we got it using as few as 36 images to get a relatively unnoticeable 360 degree representation of something.


I’ve been trying to implement Klemen Lozar’s method for creating motion vectors in Unity. The result is not pleasing and I don’t understand why or what should I change to get this thing working properly. Since I’m not much of a shader guy and I can only use Shader Forge for this kind of stuff I hope someone will bear with me.

First I’ve created the simple frame blending shader - lerping between the next frame and current frame. This works flawlessly. It works so well that I wonder why I’vent been doing this earlier. Simple and fast.

Then I’ve simed some fast FumeFX smoke, generated velocity pass, created motion vectors in AE and slapped it all in Unity trying to figure out the rest from Klemens post.

Then the shader part - I think I’ve created the exact copy of this but it nowhere near works as well as the one in the post.

Here is a link to video comparing frame blending and motion vectors: Frame Blending & Motion Vectors

I think that the frame blending example works better than the one with motion vectors - and it’s waaay chaper :slight_smile:

Here is also the SF node tree: Node Tree

I can see some alpha artifacts, the motion is nowhere near as fluid and I’ve no idea what the distortion value should be - that would be my basic problems with this :slight_smile:

I’ve tried to invert red channel in the motion vectors texture but this doesn’t seem to help with anything except changing the direction of the flow. Maybe the wrong compression? But I’ve selected RGB 16 bit/RGBA 32bit but it doesn’t change a thing. I’ve obviously made mistake somewhere or I don’t understand it well enough. Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

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Would it Not be possible to Remap the velocity pass it to @Cd and use a Sop Solver to get acces to the previous frame
and do the difference between frames ?

@Orson : Actually this is possible, but tricky as the voxel densities from one frame to another are not necessarily the same, and your pixels can become occluded by nearest voxels, so the @Cd would sometimes come from another voxel.

From what I’ve currently experimented: I’ve setup a temporary workflow by using a Velocity pass in houdini based on a custom SHOP that assumes that density is really high (so per-texel velocity will be the result of only the nearest visible voxel), then after rendering, I transform It in a COP from world space to project space and export the values as a simple flowmap.

Applying this to shader is quite easy : just a flowmap blending from one frame to another. The only tricky part is to set up the scale to apply from one frame to another. (Small values that you don’t wand pre-encoded in your motion vector maps to avoid losing range precision)

This method has pros and cons: pros are it’s really efficient for explosions, and dense smoke, as it’s not optical flow, but actual simulation velocities transformed. Cons are these values are assumed to be unblended, first-front-voxel, velocities and do not work with densityless rendering such as flames.

The problem with motion vectors rendered from volumes is that you can have multiple velocities for one pixel, that a simple vector could not handle (especially if velocities are divergent, blending by raymarching would approximate them to a zero-length vector).

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Yes, but it still won’t give the result you want. A voxel at the edge of the sim might be on the way left but a voxel one row in might be heading straight out at five times the speed. Next frame, the velocity at the edge will have turned 90degrees. This is why an optical flow works. It just looks at where were the contrasty points last frame, where did it go? Well, sort of.

The velocity field can be used for internal detail but the main part of the motion vector blend is the edges and how it blends to the next frame.

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From what I can tell, you have a shader issue.It looks like you are applying the uv distortion to both currentFrame and nextFrame. So they chase eachother out and then simply alphablend inbetween. Then once the nextFrame turns into currentFrame it snaps back to its undistorted position.

What should happen: currentframes uvs are pushed towards a static nextFrame. Once it’s there you make that one the currentFrame and push towards the next frame.

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@Partikel thank you for reply!

The shader is pretty straight forward. The main idea is to build custom SubUV cross-blending, similarly to what Particle SubUV expression does automatically but we’ll need to do it manually to control the next step. In addition to interpolating from one subimage to the next we’ll need to distort the current subimage pixels towards the position of the next and similarly distort the next one back towards the current one so they kind of meet in the middle. We’ll achieve this distortion using the motion vector texture we’ve made.

Here’s the completed shader network we’ll be creating followed by a breakdown:

Klemen material - Motion Vectors

I think he did that on purpose. I will try to experiment with your suggestion. Worth a shot.

Anyway - I was researching this all night and I’ve achieved much better results by inverting both channels and experimenting with Max Velocity in Fusion Works render pass, Maing_BG Sensitivity in Twixtor + displacement value in the shader. Figured out that a lot depends on the distortion value. I’ve determined the value by mixing the info in the comments on Klemens site and empirical experience.

Proper formula for this was to take size of one tile (512 in my example) divide it by the Max Displace value used in Twixtor Vectors (32) wich gave me value o 16. That said I’ve typed value of 0,0016 in the shader and everything works suprisingly well.

Anyway - here is the result: Motion Vectors New!

As you can see the result it is far better than before but I still get this feeling of stepping - especially on lower speeds. This is the only thing that is different between mine and Klemens implementation as far as I can tell. He can push his slowmo really far and it is still smoooooth as butter :slight_smile:


Just want to add, steven burrichter had given us an example on remapping the velocity inside a pyro sim with a python script


This should help with getting the proper velocities, I had attempted to do this on my already rendered “vel” fields and trying to clamp it in post, but that clearly didnt work, will need to try this out, @Gaxx, thanks for sharing those results! looks great



I have been using twixtor for our vectors here at foundry. Sometimes we layer them with the fumefx velocity maps but other times we just use the raw twixtor vectors. As mentioned by gaxx, you need to divide the twixtor strength value by the resolution of one of your frames… Unfortunatly the vectors you get out of fume dont work the same way. Best way i have found to find the strength for the fume vectors is just import the raw ones into your engine and adjust the shader strength until its smooth. If the strength is too low you will get the frame blending effect, if its too high you will see each frame flowing past the silhouette of the next frame. It helps if you make the sprite live for a long time so its easy to see any errors. (60-100 sec) Once you have your value you can multiply that with your original frame res to recover the twixtor strength required to match your fumefx map.

If everything works out you can extend the lifetime of your flipbooks over 100x while still having smooth motion. This technique works best with longer sequences (the longer it is the smoother the transition between frames) or reduced frame count, not much point using it on sprites that only live 1-2 seconds.

My latest flipbook has 72 frames, reduced from about 200 frames and im able to have the sprite live for 300+ seconds with no problems.

P.S. Orthographic renders can help.

1 Like

Oh man motion vectors. I explored some of it with Houdini a while back. Been meaning to revisit it.

So, Houdini allows you the ability to get the velocity voxel grid and render it. I think I left a shader implementation in the game dev shelf on SideFX’s Github before I left (instead of some crazy python). However, keep in mind that’s exact data in 3D space. Optical flow is a 2D approximation of images as opposed to actual simulated data. Because it’s being approximated, that’s how we can get that nice little overflow of movement.

You could try blending the velocity data between frames and creating a flipbook out of it. I’ve been able to get some results with some compositing work. However, keep in mind that because we’re looking at a 3d velocity representation, you might get some artifacts and weirdness.

Now, if we could actually get a proper optical flow COP node, then the above process would be (mostly) moot. I’ve been exploring HDK recently, so maybe this would make a fun little side project.

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This is somewhat of a brain dump, a couple of notes from my RnD into optical flow. Probably has some duplicate info, but hopefully some useful info as well. :slight_smile:

Despite looking and working very similar to each other, there is actually an important difference between the two. The velocity data coming out of your 3d package has arbitrary values assigned to it. The engine doesn’t know if your max velocity is 10cm or 100m, it only knows the velocities in relation to itself. Its also doesn’t know the difference from one frame to the next.

A proper optical flow maps strength values are directly tied to its frame resolution. By using the frame resolution as a sort of measuring stick, it can figure out the exact amount of displacement required to achieve a perfect blend. This is why i prefer to use a program like twixtor to generate my optical flow maps. Using a little bit of math we can figure out the exact value required for our shader. The formula is your displacement strength, (assuming your using twixtor or a similar program.) divided by your frame resolution. (not the total resolution of your flipbook, only 1 frame. Resizing the final flipbook afterwards does not change the required values)

IE: 128 strength / 1024 = 0.125 in the shader.

Since the velocity info coming from your 3d package isn’t in relation to anything other than itself, there is no easy formula for calculating the required strength for the shader. The best way iv’e found is just to import your velocity data and manually adjust the shader until its smooth. Setting the lifetime of your sprite to something crazy high (100-200 seconds) helps you narrow down the required value. Once you have your value you can multiply that with the frame resolution to get the corresponding value for twixtor. (in case you wanted to combine the 2)

Since the strength values are directly tied to the frame resolution, you can’t scale your vectors in post. You need to do all scaling actions before your vectors are created, either by a keyframed camera in your scene or using twixtor to regenerate after your scaling operations.

Velocity info from your package doesn’t have the edge padding required to deal with the silhouette of your effect. When an optical flow map is calculated, it compares each frame to the next in sequence to find out exactly how the pixels have moved in comparison to the previous frame. It then adds a sort of edge padding so it can properly distort the silhouette. Without this you will see the same stepping artifacts on the silhouettes as you do with traditional frame blending.

I’m not sure if this is the case for all iterations of the shader, but the way our shader works is the flowmap is always 1 frame ahead. So when its on frame 1 of the effect, the flowmap its using is actually the one from frame 2. Because of this we have to do a shuffle with all our flowmaps before compiling the flipbook. I just delete the first frame and have an empty flowmap on the last frame. (127,127,0) This way the first frame of my flowmap flipbook is actually frame 2 of my sequence. Usually your effect has almost totally faded out by your last frame so missing the last vector doesn’t matter too much, unless your looping your sequence.

You can use optical flow maps to reduce the amount of frames in your flipbook while still keeping smooth motion, but it does have limitations. The main thing to keep an eye on is how much the effect changes from frame one to the next. Ideally you wont want the effect to move more than 5-10% the width of the frame. Also keep in mind that although the frame is being distorted towards the position of the next, there is still a frame blend that happens as the frames switch. If the frames are too different from one to the next, you will still get blending artifacts. (ie: Imagine an A trying to change into a B) Think of the motion vectors as a direct linier translation of the pixels from one frame to the next.

Doing extreme camera movements between frames can produce bad results from twixtor. (raw velocity maps are much more accurate in this situation) Things such as keyframing the camera so the effect fills as much of the frame as possible, regardless of how much it moves. You must keep in mind the differences between frames, as well as the pixel positions between frames. Things such as explosions that expand a lot at the start can sometimes cause weird motions in your vector info if you keyframe to compensate for the rapid expansion . (vectors moving in directions opposite of what you would expect) I’ve found it helps in those situations if you leave a little bit of room for the effect to expand in each frame. (IE: the effect is slightly bigger in frame 2 than frame 1 etc.) This will help the vectors to flow outward as the effect expands instead of flowing inward due to the effect of the camera zooming in. You can still keyframe the camera, just as long as the effect expands in your frames. The first couple frame are always the trickiest.

You can still have frames that are not power of 2, as long as the final texture is a power of 2. (ie: 2048x2048 flipbook, 9 frames wide and 12 frames tall.) In this situation the same equation to calculate the shader strength is used, the only thing to keep in mind is to use the larger resolution number of your frame to calculate the value. (ie: a 1024x768 frame, use the 1024 in the equation)

Now go forth and…


Speaking of Twixtor, it would be hugely appreciated if someone could write up a really quick guide on how to get it to generate and export optical flow maps suitable for use in a particle shader! A while back I downloaded the version for After Effects but I couldn’t for the life of me get it to work, and after googling I could only find resources on how to use it to slow down filmed footage, which wasn’t quite what I was after.